Time Away From The Camera
Since returning from Oregon, I haven't picked up my camera. It honestly feels a little weird. Part of that is no doubt the daylight savings switch. In San Diego, it is dark before 5pm. As I middle-school kids at home, this is a time of year it's a challenge to balance "dad duties" with prime sunset hours. Another factor is the holiday season. The first three weeks of December always feel busy.
Feeling my way around Davinci Resolve.
Then there's next year. Workshop planning. New projects. Plenty of work at the desk. 2017 is going to be a busy year - and that's a good thing. Lots of stuff coming. I want to up my game on my video products and that means lots of learning for me. To all you videographers out there... Wow! There is a lot of ground to cover!
So... why am I writing this in the first place? Time is finite. I fully intend to continue weekly In The Field and In Post videos. However, you may find other blog posts start to take a form like this... a "point in time" of what I happen to be working on at the moment. Call it a "Photo Log" if you will.
Hopefully, you'll find these types of posts interesting.