Work Faster! Use The Amount Slider In Lightroom
I don’t know why I’ve overlooked the Amount slider in Lightroom’s masking for so long. It’s a real time saver and the best option to refine a look or masking preset you’ve applied to your image.
In the photo below, I have a targeted adjustment to the rocks on the horizon toward the left side of the frame. I cut the haze and added a bit of clarity and texture. My initial look was too strong… I wanted a bit of the haze to keep depth in the scene. Rather than fiddle with the individual sliders, I used the Amount slider for the entire effect. It is a major time saver!
A smaller Amount tempers the dehaze and contrast look on the rocks
A larger Amount intensifies the dehaze and contrast look on the rocks
Sunset On Lone Ranch Beach, Oregon, Nov 2023
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