Review / Picktorial Editor For Photos
One of my resolutions for 2017 was to spend less money on gear. Another was to take more photos of my family. Another I'm happy that thus far, I have been true to both. I decided to consolidate my family photos in Photos for macOS. It fits well into the ecosystem of my family - everyone has Apple devices. That decision was solidified by Derrick Story's Apple Photos Book For Photographers (see my review here).
However, it's not Apple Photos I want to talk about in this post. It's Picktorial. Picktorial is a RAW photo editor that works both as a standalone editor and an extension to Apple Photos. As a standalone product, it is philosophically similar to other Apple editors. You import photos, organize them in albums as you like, and make non-destructive edits. Or, you can use a program like Apple Photos as your organizer and make advanced edits with Picktorial as an extension. That's how I use it.
Picktorial works incredibly well from within Apple Photos. Seamless, really. Here are some examples of Picktorial running within Photos.
Picktorial as a Photos Extension
Color controls in Picktorial
Selective adjustment in Pictorial
The photo here I grabbed at the tail end of a morning shoot with a group in San Diego. My Sony was tucked away in the bag and then the light changed. Great scene! My iPhone was in my hand - so I took a photo. I took advantage of Picktorial's targeted color controls and selective tone adjustments to enrich it.
All of the edits done in Picktorial are completely non-destructive. The "Revert To Original" button in Photos works just as you'd expect. Picktorial adjustments and re-editable, too. Need to make a change? Select the photo and send it back to Picktorial. All the sliders and gradients are recalled and can be changed.
My iPhone is always with me. There are photos - family or otherwise - that I only capture with my mobile device. The pairing of Photos with Picktorial is a great solution for me. I love the organization and enhanced experiences Photos gives me with my images. Picktorial more than fills the editing gaps.
Picktorial 3.0 is available now at a discounted rate of $39.99 USD. If you're in the market for a solid editor to augment Apple Photos, grab the demo and try it out. I think you'll be impressed.
Integrity is important to me.
Read Scott's Disclaimer Stuff for my approach to reviews.