Mid-Week Ramblings

My mind has been jumping around a lot this past week. There is a personal photo project I'm working to get off the ground, a new book I've only just begun writing, doing planning for 2017 events...  My brain keeps bouncing between all of these things, and I feel I'm making little progress on any. Oh, and I have a week long photo trip to Oregon in a month. I've done some planning, but I feel like I haven't spent enough time on detailed shot planning.

And there's all the daily minutia. Such as... I should really hang those prints I made and framed last week... there's some old gear I need to sell... the studio floor is a mess... blog posts to pen... videos to assemble... and maybe actually using the camera from time to time! It's been hard to concentrate on one thing of late.

It was very therapeutic shooting last week's glorious sunset in San Diego. This is one of three photos I am very happy with. It's hard not to be when the sky burns like this. A shoot like this always seems to help center me. It reminds me why I got into photography in the first place.

Technical Details:
- Sony A7R w/ FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS
- f/16 @ 22mm, 1/5 sec, ISO 50
- Processed in Lightroom and ON1 Photo