Here’s another dodge and burn technique you can use with curves. In this video, I show the technique using ON1 Effects, although you can do this in any photo editing tool with a maskable curves tool.
Read MoreA tight crop in photography removes distractions and directs the viewer’s attention straight to the most important part of the image. By eliminating unnecessary elements, a close crop enhances emotion, detail, and storytelling.
Read MoreThe landscape is a dynamic place. Remember to adjust your composition as conditions change.
Read MoreFoggy conditions present a unique photographic opportunity to create moody, atmospheric images that capture the ethereal beauty of misty environments. Here are some composition and editing tips to make your fog photography better.
Read MoreIn a post last week, I explained my golden rule of photo editing. In this article, I walk through an example of how that rule guides the adjustments I make to a photo.
Read MoreI follow one golden rule for all my photo edits, and that principle guides my creative process every time I work on an image.
Read MoreNot every photo can be salvaged by editing. Save yourself headaches and recognize when a photo isn't going to work... and move on to one that will.
Read MoreIn landscape photography, the use of contrast is a powerful tool to enhance visual interest and convey a sense of depth. There are 3 essential types of contrast you need to consider for creating visually striking landscape photos.
Read MoreCan’t get out with your camera? That’s a great time to browse your backlog of images. You might be surprised what treasures you find.
Read MoreLandscape photos are characterized by high dynamic range scenes and it means balancing the exposure in post-processing. Try using a curves adjustment for this.
Read MoreLandscape photographers love wide angle lenses - I’m no exception! Yet there are many strong photos to be found at longer focal lengths.
Read MoreYes! You can create a composite image using handheld photos. All you need layering software with an auto-align feature.
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