Happy 2014!
New Year's Renewal
Happy New Year everyone! I'm not very big on resolutions, but I did promise myself to keep shooting, to keep learning about photography ( there's always more to learn), and keep sharing my work and what I learn.
To help, I'm participating in and curating The Patch, a photo challenge hosted on Google+. The varied themes keep me learning and keep me shooting. Curating is new for me, and already the role is making me look at photos differently. I have high hopes for my photographic journey in 2014.
The photo above is my shot for the monthly theme "Renewal" and the weekly sub theme of "New Year's". I would never have taken a shot like this if I wasn't taking part in a photo challenge.
What photographic goals have you set for 2014? Whether big or small, push (or nudge) yourself this year - take a photo challenge. It's well worth it.